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Under the Radar

Hervé Jaubert, a former Navy Officer for the DGSE, was offered a business opportunity of a lifetime to build recreational submarines in the booming city of Dubai. This business deal later went awry and became dangerous, so he used his intelligence skills to escape the grasp of the tyrannical Dubai. Today he is on trial with the conglomerate Dubai World and attempts to reveal that their glamorous outer shell is not who they truly are.

Under the Radar

Hervé Jaubert, a former Navy Officer for the DGSE, was offered a business opportunity of a lifetime to build recreational submarines in the booming city of Dubai. This business deal later went awry and became dangerous, so he used his intelligence skills to escape the grasp of the tyrannical Dubai. Today he is on trial with the conglomerate Dubai World and attempts to reveal that their glamorous outer shell is not who they truly are.


Director / Motion Graphics

I originally set out to make a documentary about people who owned private planes in Florida. A google search lead me to one person who owned a company that sells private submarines. The rest is history. This short documentary opened up a lot of doors for me and it was an incredible first opportunity directing "reality."

I was very proud when we one best in show in the Brouhaha Film Festival in 2010.