Please get in touch and drop me a note.

I am always looking for new creative projects, if you think I could add to your endeavors I'd love to hear from you.


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Matt Fisher is a director based in New York City.

Hi, I'm Matt

Matt is first and foremost an entertainer.

Originally from Greenville, SC. Matt has spent over ten years gaining entertainment experience which has lead him to launch a company built on creating quality entertainment and unique experiences called Sky Realm Entertainment. After graduating as valedictorian from Full Sail University with a degree in Film, Matt started and currently operates his own production company - Emblem Film Co. His passion for entertaining has spawned other ventures over the years including an experience-gaming company called Gamemaster which was featured on the 2013 Wall Street Journal Series - “Startup of the Year”. Most notably Gamemaster has developed and designed a scavenger hunt app called Questalot.

Recently, Matt has taken a sabbatical from his entrepreneurial endeavors to pursue his career as a filmmaker in New York City.



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